When Peter Black came to me to design his first novel I was intrigued. Peter is a retired neurosurgeon from Harvard Medical School and a former physician to Congress. His first novel was a thriller, the first in a series, about a neurosurgeon named Duncan (Mac) MacGregor. Obviously, he knew his subject matter! We had a wonderful experience helping him with the design of the book and with all his publishing questions. He is a serious writer, and obviously a great one because his first attempt (SEIZURE) has won him the top award of the 2021 Writer’s Digest Award for Self-Published Fiction. Writer’s Digest has several thousand entries every year, so this is a great honor for his writing. We’re proud of him and grateful to have played a small part in bringing this new writer to his audience, which will certainly now grow quickly.
Peter has published a second Duncan MacGregor thriller, DEATH BY DENIAL, and has more books in the works. Look for them on Amazon and https://peterblackbooks.com/